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 I've Sent You The Details for the The Phoenix Rising 21 Day Challenge!
It should be in your email inbox right now. Before you go and discover it, take a look at the very important message below.
As a special thank you for signing up, I have created a special live training for you where I share the ‘secret formula’ I invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in for creating Multiple Income Streams.  

I’ve used this formula to increase my monthly income and have money dropping into my bank account each and every day!!  

As a single mum forced onto benefits at the start of my business, I was relying on money from the government, living week to week. I lived on a bowl of rice and tabasco, had to sell my car to pay my rent, and even had to send my two children to live with their dad as I couldn’t afford to feed them. Just a few years on, I am investing in myself and my business on a regular basis, have cash in the bank and no longer worry about my bank card declining.

I would normally charge $277 for this training, but as a special thank you, I am only charging you $77!! So, are you in? Are you ready to take that next leap of faith into creating multiple income streams which has you making sales whilst you sleep soundly? Great! Click on this button and let’s get you started!

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